Price Comparison
Iridium Extreme | Iridium 9555 | Thuraya XT | Inmarsat IsatPhone Pro | Inmarsat IsatPhone 2 | Globalstar GSP-1700 | |
Price Range | $1295 | $1099 | $800 | $650 | $925 | Free w/Service |
Year Introduced | 2011 | 2008 | 2010 | 2010 | 2014 | 2007 |
Coverage | Global | Global | Regional | Global No polar coverage |
Global No polar coverage |
Regional |
Along with deciding which features you can’t live without, another important step is to determine how you plan to use the phone. Ask yourself who, what, why, where, how and when will it be used.
Additional questions to consider are:
- Do need new or will a used phone work fine?
- What coverage area do I need?
- Will I need it primarily for marine, aviation or land use?
- Do I plan to install it in a fixed location or will it be mobile?
- Is it just for voice or data calls or both?
- What accessories do I need to make it work they way I want?
Once you know the answer to these and have a plan to address them, you are well on your way to selecting the right phone for the job. This handy comparison chart will help you pick the right model.